Meet Our Products

Artisan Cheeses

Steckler Grassfed Cheese is produced from 100% grass-fed, raw, whole cow’s milk, fresh from our own Dutch Belted dairy herd. Each batch of cheese is made by hand in small batches on our farm in our creamery built in 2011, which is inspected and approved by the Indiana State Board of Animal Health. Our farmstead artisan cheese is aged for a minimum of 60 days to develop its delicious flavor and smooth texture. Fresh raw milk from grass-fed cows produces cheese that has a uniquely complex flavor profile. Steckler Grassfed produces ‘Bright Meadow’ Cheddar Cheese, ‘Clover Field’ Colby Cheese, ‘Meadow Gold’ Cheese, ‘Rockin’ Red Top’ Pepper Jack Cheese. Steckler Grassfed Cheese is packed with nutrition that comes naturely from grass-fed raw milk. Our cheese includes a balanced blend of omega 3 and omega 6 fats, as well as digestible vitamins and minerals. Studies by the University of Maryland Medical Center show that a diet rich in omega 3 fatty acids lowers the risk of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and mental disorders.

Free-Range Poultry

These are meaty birds ideal for grilling, baking, frying. They are raised in 10′ x 12′ x 2′ floor-less shelters with a maximum of about 90 birds to a pen. These pens are moved every day to provide the birds with fresh air, exercise, fresh grass and bugs. They are given a high quality diet of mixed grain to keep up with their high metabolism. No antibiotics or growth hormones are given. If you would like to pre-order broilers, please contact us or visit our online store. Note: Broilers are only available by pre-order and are picked up at the on-farm store.

An Eggmobile follows the cows around the farm. This mobile chicken house provides the birds roosting shelter at night and a coop to lay their eggs. The floor is mesh, so the droppings fall right to the ground. This mobile shelter allows the hens a smorgasbord of bugs as they scratch through the cow droppings. They get plenty of fresh air, fresh grass, and exercise. You should see the dark yolks on these delicious brown eggs! Note: Eggs are available at limited retail locations, including our on-farm store.

Our stewing hens are ‘retired’ laying hens…hens that no longer lay. These birds make great chicken soup. They are raised on the open range so they get plenty of fresh grass, bugs, and sunshine. These hens are only available in October when we also sell our final batch of broilers. Note: Hens are available only by pre-order and are picked up at the on-farm store.


Our cows get a fresh salad bar every morning and evening. They are offered only grass during the growing season and high quality hay stores during the winter months. 95% of their time is spent outside during the growing season. Since we don’t raise steers, conventional beef cuts are not always available. However, lean ground beef, roasts and minute steaks are always available. Currently, we are not offering bulk quantities of beef. 2012’s summer drought forced us to cull the herd quite thin to survive the winter on our hay storage; hence, we are currently rebuilding the herd. Again, ground beef and roasts are available from the farm store. Note: Steckler Grassfed beef is available only at our on-farm store.

Our heritage breed, Mulefoot Hogs, are raised indoors and eat a diet of hay, whey (waste product from cheese production), waste cheese, garden slop, and minimal grains. They are kept indoors to save the pastures from their incessant need to root around and make mud holes. Note: Pork is available in bulk by the half or whole hog, or at our on-farm store in smaller quantities.